Category: Blog

difference between running and jogging coastalfloridasportspark

The Difference Between Running and Jogging

If you know anything about working out, you know that if you are not walking, you’re either jogging or running. There has been a long-running debate for years about what makes you different from another. …
exercises for Swimmers shoulder coastalfloridasportspark

Mobility Exercises for Swimmers Shoulder

Warm weather is right around the corner and with this burst of sunshine comes pool period. One of the very best full-body exercises that you can perform, but as with any repetitive movement, you may …
basketball position coastalfloridasportspark

Basketball Positions Explained

In a regular game of basketball, there are usually five players on each team on the court, and each participant has their functions and responsibilities. Traditionally, players that filled those position would solely follow their …
the importance of teamwork coastalfloridasportspark

The Importance of Teamwork in Basketball

What’s the value of teamwork at work? It also takes many forms, such as higher workforce productivity and efficiency, greater innovation, higher employee morale, and enhanced retention. Whether you play a sport or not, teamwork …